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Showing posts from April, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you out there! Easter is one of those holidays who are not really a holiday. I mean, if Christmas falls on a Sunday, we get Monday off. But not Easter. Easter is not a holiday. We don't get the Monday after off. But Easter is a holy day. Probably the holiest of them all, in my opinion. I mean, everyone gets born. Everyone gets to die. But not everyone resurrects. In fact, it is so impossible, that we would run screaming in the other direction if anyone we know resurrects. (That, or we'll ask to see other doctor since our doctor is apparently incompetent). That's what happened on Easter thousands of years ago. The Pharisees and Romans were clearly trying to prove that the resurrection was fake. They had the means and the motives to prove their case. But they failed, because it was true. Jesus rose again! Here we are 2000+ years later celebrating this fact, and yet, we sometimes overlook the significance of this important event. Yearly celebration shoul