After about 9 years of not translating musical notation to doremi notation, I realized that Indonesia is VERY resistant to the idea of learning to sing some other way. While I think it's redundant and totally unnecessary, other people don't see it that way. And being in the minority, I have to give in. It means... back to doremi for me. >_< What bothers me most though, is the fact that I have tons of good songs that I would love to sing with my choir here, but it's not possible without translating it to doremi first. And since I hate manual dots and slashes, I decided to create a doremi font. It's not perfect, but for those who are stuck with this fate, I hope it helps. Download the DoReMi font here Directions : 1234567 = works as usual Shift + 1234567 = with dot on top qwertyu = 1234567 with dot below i = 1 with double dot on top asdfghj = 1234567 with forward slash (up half step) zxcvbnm = 1234567 with back slash (down half step)
A collection of my rambling thoughts that just need to be put down somewhere