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Wedding Shoes Dilemma

In my culture, people have big weddings. Everyone the parents know gets invited. The friends of the bride and the groom also get invited, of course, but they usually make up only about 5% of the total guests. My husband-to-be is a first son in his family. More reason that we will have a big wedding.

Anyway, big wedding means standing up for a long time. Which means that I would be needing a comfortable shoes that I can stand in (and walk around with) for hours at end. The shoes must make me taller (since I am short). But it can't be too angled (it would be too tiring for me). I want it to be white (or at least mostly white), and above all, comfortable.

I thought that with all these shoes stores, there must be tons of choices that I wouldn't know which one to buy. Boy, was I wrong! It's really hard to find shoes that match those requirements. I walked around for 2 hours with no luck. Fortunately, at the end, I visited Aldo store and managed to find 2 pair that more or less fulfill my requirements.

The first one is mostly white, with wide black straps. It means that it won't fall off easily. It's about 4-5 inches tall. It hugs my feet perfectly. I fell in love with this one and seriously consider buying this, if I didn't see the second choice.

It is a pair of mute gold sandals. The height is the same as the white one, but with less angle, because the front part is raised more. I am not a big fan of how it looks, but it is very comfortable.

So basically, now I am torn between looking good and feeling comfortable. Ugh...


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