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Easter 2008 - Judas Iscariot: the untold story

Last Good Friday, my church did a presentation titled "Judas Iscariot: the untold story". For the first time ever, we held a presentation in a theatre. The room acoustic was excellent. The only drawback was that the background sound pretty much drowned the actors' voices. So they all needed to use the microphone (and of course, the battery had to run out during the performance.. Murphy's Law at work here). ^_^

Ivan did a great job as Judas. Those who saw him testified that he acted so good, we didn't need any music to support him anymore. Jessica and Mega cried a lot in the play, just like they usually do. Come to think of it.. they always got the crying part. Jessica played Mary for the 4th time, and Mega played Magdalene for the 3rd time, I think. Adit played Peter again. It's weird, but Adit won't be the first person I would think of when I think of Peter. He practiced really hard, though, and the result was pretty good. Jason played the hot-headed Mark. My sis played his mom.

On the other side of the drama, pak Franky and cik Yenny played a modern couple who purposely misinterpret the scripture to fit their own need. It's really funny how they sincerely said, "Let's destroy this man's business, and help his children via the scholarship program we have at church." Hhh.. I guess a lot of Christians have this kind of attitude to a certain level (though hopefully not to the level portrayed in the play). There is a bit of Judas in everyone of us.

The choir was okay. I believe we could do better, but it's always hard to keep that perspective when the time is pressing and there's a ton of things to do still. Overall though, the members have grown a bit in singing technique. Now here's to them reducing the amount of giggling.. ^_^

This year proves to be a busy year for me. After this, our church is moving to another location. But that would be another post...


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