Since I first arrived, I have been told that Canada (and Vancouver specifically) is long overdue for another big earthquake that is supposed to happen once every 100 years. The 100th years was several decades ago, so we would have one very soon.
That was 9 years ago, and here we are, still no major earthquake to speak of. I started to believe that it would never happen after all. Although statistics have proven otherwise, it's hard to imagine something that life-changing will happen in my lifetime, or ever.
The California earthquake reminds me that, yes, it can happen, and it can happen anytime, even during my so-far-uneventful life. Just because I don't see it, or don't think about it, or don't prepare for it, doesn't mean that it will wait until I'm ready. Just because I forget about it, doesn't mean it will quietly go away. The best I can do is not to pretend it won't happen, but to prepare for it.
This event also reminds me of another life-changing event that will happen someday: the Second Coming of Jesus. Living my daily life, sometimes I can't help but wondering if He will come, if ever. 2,000 years seems more than enough time to prepare rooms for us up there. But my feeling and my thoughts are irrelevant. Whatever I think, it doesn't change the fact that Jesus promised He will come again. Whether I am ready or not, He is coming.
For those who are concerned with earthquake, BC Government has prepared a checklist for preparing for earthquake in BC. It is a valuable tool for anyone who doesn't want to be caught unprepared.
For those who are concerned with the second coming of Jesus, here's some materials to get you started. Don't be left behind.